Today I was reminded of the little things in my life that mean so much. So I guess that makes those things not little. Because they mean a lot.
I just got an e-mail from Chici. My "boss". She is so much more though. She is the spiritual mentor I have always wanted. She is teaching me how to administrate. She is teaching me how to love. She is teaching me how to be a good, strong christian woman. She is my pastor's wife. She is willing (and loves) to eat McDonalds with me. And she laughs with me when we eat a medium cheese pizza between the two of us. :) But most importantly, she is my friend. In this e-mail she writes, "Miss you already and you haven't left". I am so blessed to have her in my life.
I turned on my oven to make a pizza. And it turned on. I braved Tropical Storm Agatha last year in order to get to a garage sale an hour and a half early in order to get this oven for only $100. I was really excited about it but found later that the oven didn't always work. I have another very close friend here whose husband offered to pick up the part I needed in the U.S. for me and then install it as well. I made dinner for him and his family and found out the a.m. that they were coming that the meal I planned to make was one of his least favorite. Oops. He installed it anyway.
I have a friend who gave me a washing machine when she bought a new one. Unfortunately, something went wrong 6 months later and it quit working. But I had been given enough money in December that I could buy myself a new washer for my birthday. :) This is no little thing. It is hard to not have a washer. I often drive by the town pila's (big cement "sink" that holds water) and see ladies washing their clothes. They don't always have running water in their home (the town only turns on the water for a few hours in the a.m. Thankfully, my landlords have a big tank that sits on our roof and I always have water) so they wash in the pila's. They often have large families and are washing every couple of days. Washing clothes is physically hard work. And then they have to carry their wet clothes back to the house to hang it up to dry. Sometimes they have a wheelbarrow but most often, the ladies carry it on their heads. So I am thankful for a washing machine. But I miss having a dryer. Although I have gotten used to having clothes up on the line.
My landlords are amazing. I was sick a few weeks ago. I had thrown my garbage over the railing instead of walking down the stairs (the garbage REALLY needed to go out that day as I was sick IN the garbage). Unfortunately it landed in the middle of their walkway. So I texted them apologizing about it and said I was sick. They called me and asked what they could bring me. They went to the store and bought 2 types of crackers, sprite and gatorade. I had been crying earlier because I was sick by myself but it was nice to know someone cared. Adela even made me chicken and veggies for lunch. They were almost upset with me because I hadn't told them earlier in the day. And now, because I am leaving, they want to take me to the next city over for dinner on Monday night, my last night here. They are amazing landlords and I am so blessed to be living here.
I have such good friends here. My circle of friends is small but their friendships mean more. They hold me accountable. They give me things. They lend me things. They bake me yummy treats. They give me advice and worry about me. And when I see the quality of people that they are, I feel blessed that they call me their friend.
And the kids. I was surprised at the beginning when I fell so in love with them so quickly. And I had my times of trials with them but I still loved them. And it has grown into such a deep love that is scares me. They make me laugh. They make me angry. They make me insane. They make me so happy. They make me proud. I love knowing each one of their personalities. My best friends at home had girls and I didn't know what to do with boys. I was very hesitant about whether or not they would like me, or would I know how to play with them. And it has been amazing. Except this a.m. in homework time (the kids were off school and I was on my own with half of them). One of them let out a toot and it was pretty stinky. Thankfully those times are rare though. I get a kick out it. If someone is stinky or makes a noise they have to go stand outside the door for a couple of minutes. One day Antoni, our little 7 year old who is still learning to talk, was trying and trying to tell me something and getting very distressed because I didn't understand. Finally figured out he wanted permission to go outside to toot. His belly still has troubles because of his previous malnutrition so whenever someone doesn't want to admit to their stink, they blame it on poor lil Antoni!!!
As I now only have 4 sleeps until I leave for my former home it got me thinking. It is such a far away life. I have been to Canada once in the last 2 years. I live here now. And I have adapted. And I love it. I have established a life full of all the things I had before that were important, and then some.
I don't lead a charmed and perfect life. I have my bad days just like everyone else. But I love where I am and I love what I do. I would be truly sad at this point if God called me back to North America.
So here are some thoughts on a Friday night. I suspect that next time I write in here, it will be from CANADA!!!
Have a great weekend. I will. :)