Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Antoni and the chickens.

Last week on Thursday Antoni had the day off school. He just turned 8 and is talking even more than ever! We now have a speech therapist working with him once a week.

I don't normally collect the eggs from our chickens, but it so happens that the morning Antoni had off, we had to collect the eggs. I know he has never done this before but because he is so anxious to do anything "helpful" I quickly decided to take him with me.

We had a little chat about how we need to walk slowly and not get scared when the chickens get near us. We can't yell or frighten them. I wish I had a video for what happened next.

He opened the door and held it for me (he has become quite the gentleman lately and LOVES holding the door open for me). Then he said "Excuse me chickens" and started walking towards the eggs. Every time he had to move a step he said again "Excuse me chickens". Then at one point he was holding the basket and was still for a minute while I filled it with eggs. They started pecking at his feet. I admit it, it wigged me out too the first time it happened to me! Then he kept saying to them "Not my feet, not my feet chickens". Then he would say "Aunt Naomi, the chickens got my feet". All this time he was obviously uncomfortable but remembered we have to be kind to the chickens. But every time he said "excuse me chickens" I about died from the cuteness of it.

On the way back to the house he held the basket on his head like a good little Guatemalan! I just kept holding my breath and hoping he wouldn't drop and break any of the eggs.

I love that kid!
He was at the front of the church for us to sing Happy Birthday to him.
One day I was trying to get a good picture of the two of us together. Didn't happen, but then again, I got a kick out of him laughing so hard every time he saw his picture:
Take 1!
Take 2!
Take 3!
Forget it!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I love Saturdays. When I worked shift work, Saturdays didn't mean much to me. I was often working or sleeping. I worked and slept a lot when I had shifts, but I always had so many days off and that is what I loved! I still miss the fact that I can't take off when I want to. But it sure makes my Saturday's precious!

Yesterday I went to visit the Los Gozosos home. That is the Home I volunteered at for 5 months starting in October of 2009. I hadn't visited in just over a year and I was missing the kids and the staff. I knew Gaby and Leidy wouldn't be there (both recently passed away) so I knew it would be a little hard.

I spent the afternoon with them and had so much fun! They were watching movies and so it was relaxed. I got to take pictures and visit with the staff. It was so good to see how each child had progressed in behaviors or their physical capabilities.
Andres has grown a lot! He can sit up by himself much better now and he is definitely easy to make smile with a little tickle to the belly. :)
Daniel has grown about a foot! He has the longest and skinniest legs. He is 14 years old now (I think). He also sounds like a man. His voice is so deep it scared me! And yet he is just as sweet as ever. It was cute to hear his grown up voice singing along to Sesame Street. :)
What a goof!
Helen and Andrea where much better behaved. Especially Andrea! I couldn't believe when she was told to sit properly and she did! Of course, it didn't last long, but she did it whenever told. I was amazed! I would still love to hear her talk more.
Rosy was walking much better and also behaving better too. She also developed a sense of rhythm. More or less. She was dancing! Sort of. ;)
I'm pretty sure Nancy remembered me. She was the one that I had written off before as not understanding anything. She sits and constantly makes a noise somewhere between a scream and a groan and a laugh. It gets louder with excitement but only stops when she is sleeping. So when I told her I was leaving last time, she actually stopped the noise and looked right up at me. It stunned me. She understood what I had said. Rule #1. Never, never NEVER underestimate the kids you are working with. She touches people briefly with her hand when she knows someone and likes them. She started off with her soft brief touch but after a couple of minutes sitting beside her and talking she was grabbing my arm with a lot of force and holding on for much longer. That is why I think she remembered me. :)
Candy. As cute as ever.
Helen's comprehension is much, much better. I actually felt like we were communicating this time. And she is funny! Even though there are still very few words that she speaks. And she can still bust a move! :)
Pretty sure Goldie remembered me. She wouldn't go away from me! And she was definitely more aggressive in asking for a attention. And man she stunk! She really needed a bath. I told the ladies that both Goldie and I had gained weight over the last year. :)

It was a very good day. Being a Saturday, I knew they would be eating tamales for dinner so I was trying to leave before dinnertime. They caught me! They had bought an extra one for me so I had to eat it. I really don't like them. But, this one was a different kind and was made of potatoes. So much better! So I was glad I stayed. :)

Then I went home and made this:
Perfect way to end the night, I'd say.

Have a great week all of you!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


How did we ever survive without facebook? How did we get along without daily updates on what everyone we know is doing? Whether they are good friends or just acquaintances. How else can we pry into lives of people we don't know or see pictures of our favorite people?

I have especially loved facebook since I moved to Guatemala. I am able to catch up on what others are doing. And see pictures of how everyone is. Somehow it is so much easier to write a message on facebook than to actually write an e-mail. Weird.

Anyway, I was stalking people on facebook this a.m. and a friend who I met while I was in Haiti had linked a note written by someone in her family. Not sure what the relation but he and his wife had just had a baby. But there was a problem. With her brain. With her breathing. With seizures. Being a NICU nurse, I could read a lot between the lines. I could look at the pictures and understand what I was seeing. And right now it isn't good.

This is such a hard time for families. I have stood by many families and not had the words of encouragement that I wanted. I didn't speak to them of Jesus and His healing power. Or His love. Or His control in this world.

I have learned so much since being down here. I don't ask the "why". Why were my kids abused? Why did that little girl die of something that would have never been an issue in North America. Why are kids hurting and starving and no one helping? There is no Why. God is in control. And we don't understand why it is all happening. But we don't need to.

Now it is very easy for me to write this. I am not very closely and personally affected by any tragedy. There are definitely serious things that I deal with, but I deal with them by the grace of God.

This dad has a very strong faith. He wrote of John 9 and the story of the blind man. And how no one knew why he had been born blind since birth. Doesn't that sound terrible? Not being able to see all of your life. And then Jesus healed him completely. And He said "this happened so that the work of God may be displayed in his life".

This tells me that this man and his wife have great faith. Would I see that in the middle of that kind of tragedy?

Then I was reading farther down his wall. Many, many people had posted that they were praying. Prayer is such a powerful thing. And then I came upon a post were someone had just left a quote from the Bible.

Psalm 139:13-18 "13 For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.14 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. 17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!18 If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand."

I cried. It was so beautiful and moving. God saw this precious girl as He was forming her. She is fearfully and wonderfully made, just as she is. He loves her. She is His precious daughter. It was such a beautiful reminder. This little girl was NOT a mistake. She may struggle in her life. And her parents will struggle right along with her. Or she may be completely healed. It is not up to us. We just have to trust the God who put us all together.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Just a thought.

I am really trying to be more reliable with this blog. So tonight's post won't be anything really special.

I had posted a short video clip that I took of our kids yesterday with a visiting group. Just looked at it now and I had written "form" instead of "from". I used to do it all the time in my essays for nursing classes. I never re-read my papers. They were too long to read! 20-30 pages. Who wants to read something that long??!!?? But anyway, it was always such a glaring error and screamed to my instructors the fact that I never re-read my work.

Managed to pass anyway. :)

Today was good day. My car insurance expired this week. My insurance guy drove over an hour to get to my house so I could pay him and get my new card for the next year. He and his wife and I ended up chatting for over 40 minutes. I love Guatemala! Sometimes there are some handy conveniences.

I finally sent out a newsletter this week. I literally started writing it in May and sent it out in August. I honestly can't believe how fast time flies! But then I sent out an e-mail saying I had written the newsletter, and I forgot to attach it! So embarrassing.

I was going to visit another town to see some acquaintances, look into a therapy clinic for people with special needs and a school for special needs. Look around at land and houses. It is exciting! Please be praying with me so that I will be sensitive to where God is leading me. Finding the town is the first big step! I was going to go the second weekend in September but found out there will be elections that Sunday (weird day for the election but normal here) and I am told it is not safe to be traveling then. I was told by someone I trust that I should just stay inside that day and watch a movie. :) So maybe later on in the month.

I will leave you now with a few random pictures of my life in the last couple of weeks.
Chici and I.
Noe and Antoni in the new transition home for our older teen boys.
I was forced against my will to take this picture. It is a mouse. And not as big as the other 6 they killed that day. Victor and Rodolfo. And Spatz the dog is the mouse killer extraordinaire.
I love Noe's laugh. :)
My friend Nancy and I. Notice she has a salad and a water bottle. I have pizza, pop and cinnamon and sugar covered dough for dessert. And dulce de leche to dip it in! :)
Felipe's 14th birthday. I was so impressed he let me take a picture with him, I didn't notice that he didn't smile, and that there were a couple of jokers in the background!
On the right is Susana, our cook. We were all invited to her daughters wedding.
Aren't they sweet? Katerine and Fernanda, sisters.
I went for lunch with Chici an Victor at a restaurant in the Capital. This burger was amazing! I want it right now.
My friend Amy was in the U.S. for a couple of months so I got to look after her pug, Boby. I really enjoyed having him here. He is very sweet and likes to cuddle with me. I went to a pet shop after he left and to get a baby pug, it costs about $800. Just in case you were wondering, I walked out of there without a baby pug. But I did hold him. And he was cute. :)

So there is a glimpse into the last couple of weeks of mine. Have a great weekend all!


Thursday, August 4, 2011


Last night when I was sharing with the kids I was talking to them about maintaining a relationship with Jesus. I explained to them that I talk to them every day and that is how I get to know them. It has to be the same with God. I need to talk to Him (pray) and read my Bible every day. I was telling them that when I don't pray every day, I sometimes get frustrated with them more quickly.

Today we had a group visiting. Usually I like this but today I was a little stressed out. I was trying to be more helpful... and I just ended up stressing myself out. So I was a little bit short with my kids in the afternoon.

I was standing at the pila watching them wash their socks (gross!) and was getting short with them for fooling around. I said out loud "why am I so frustrated with you guys today?" and Gerber quickly responded "you must not have prayed today." HA! And he was right.

At least I know someone was listening. :)
Gerber. Isn't he cute?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tonight broke my heart.

It was my turn to hang out with the boys 12 and under tonight. We have a devotion time each Wednesday night and usually I have a copy of a kids Bible and I read them a few stories. They forgot to leave the Bible out for me so I decided to tell them a bit of my story. About growing up Christian and thinking that Jesus walking on water was normal. And that turning 5 loaves of bread into baskets and baskets of leftovers was normal. It was then that I was reminded by more than one child that there was also 2 fishies. :) But it ISN'T normal. It is amazing and miraculous.

I shared a few more things and decided to get personal with them. Most of them were actually listening attentively. And then the floodgates opened. Each child started sharing some of their family background or experiences in other children's homes. About the older brother who would "get into bed with him every night". About the mother or father that hit with small pieces of firewood. With iron. With their fists. It went on and on. It was almost like they were trying to outdo each other. With tales of horror. They went on to show scars and explain where they came from. I purposely avoid asking where scars from as I really don't want to hear the story. It wouldn't be some daredevil trick they pulled off on their bike. It wouldn't be from falling out of a tree they probably shouldn't have been climbing. They are mostly inflicted by others. The people they are closest to in life. The ones responsible for their emotional and physical well-being.

These sweet boys, who sometimes drive me crazy, have seen and experienced more than they ever should. I kept having to bite the inside of my lip to stop myself from crying. I wanted to erase everything from their memory. One boy was telling me terrible stuff with a big smile on his face. It is how he gets through it. How he deals with it. It wasn't fun. But if he doesn't smile, what would happen to him?

And what do I say in return? Some of these kids are not with us permanently and may have to return to that situation. It just gets hard sometimes. I love these kids so much. And I hate that they have to live with those memories and scars for the rest of their lives.