Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I have written about Noe before. I love that kid. He has captured my heart completely. Even when he drives me crazy. Which happened last week. Multiple times. And then he looks up at me and says "You haven't kissed me yet today." And I scoop him into my arms and give him as many kisses as I can before he is ready to move onto the next thing. Which is never long enough. He is a busy guy. Can't sit still for long at all. And sometimes he kisses me back. That is always the best. At one point today we had been talking and someone got my attention and I turned and headed toward that person. As I moved away I felt him grab my hand and kiss it. Sigh.

When I first got to the home he was one of the few that called me Sister Naomi instead of Auntie Naomi. He switched a few weeks later. It meant a lot to me. I had to earn a place in his family. Then he started calling me Mama. I won't lie. I loved it. But knowing that I am just short term, I had to stop him. I didn't want him confused and hurt later. But he is one of our actual orphans. They even had to make up a birthday for him as they had no idea when it was.

I want to cuddle that munchkin all the time. In November we went on an overnight camping trip. On the second day I was watching the soccer game and from behind me comes a loud cry and I knew instantly it was Noe. He had somehow gotten his foot jammed under a swing that was basically dragging on the ground as it was full of kids. No doubt this was his own fault but I just un-jammed his foot and put him on my lap. And he cried for a bit and then was quiet. I was waiting for him to jump up and run away like he always does. But his foot must have been really hurting because he just stayed there. I was so happy. Why can't he hurt himself more often? Oops, was that in my outside voice? ;) He gradually moved off my lap but stuck with me for a while longer.
At the first lunch we were at, Rodolfo decided to take pictures of everyone with their plate of food as they walked back to the tables.
This is me:
And this is Noe:
These pictures were taken a couple of minutes apart. So we were not copying each other. We could be related! Who else is weird like that?

One last story about him. Months ago we had a group come that was giving out shoes and playing with the kids. Someone took this picture for me. He was squeezing my neck so hard and I loved the feel of his cheek against mine.
And then I turned away to talk to someone else and he wouldn't let go. He still wanted to squeeze my neck and be as close to me as he could, as evidenced by the next picture.
So that was my Noe post. One LAST thing. I promise. When we tell the kids something they are technically supposed to say "muy bien" (very good) and go do it. This is pronounced moo-ey bee-en. Sometimes he says moo ben and I love it. Except when I am mad at him. But still when I think of it later, I still love it. I just love that kid.


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