Sunday, July 12, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos Juan Carlos!

Juan Carlos is the father in the house where I live. We had steak, rice, guacamole and cake. Hmmmmm. Oh... and don't forget the beans and tortillas!!! Really, what meal is right without those two things? I found out his favorite chocolate bar is Snickers with peanuts. Yesterday I went and bought 2 with peanuts and one with almonds. Because it was there. And I like almonds. But I seriously bought the almond one for him!!! But last night I was watching a movie and I was hungry and I ate it. :( The last chocolate bar I ate was when I had first got here. This Snickers tasted soooo good! And I would have been fine except that I told on myself today. :( Me and my big mouth. He just laughed. Problem is, he went to a marimba concert and the other two are sitting here on the bed with me!!!! But I don't like the peanut ones as much. 

Not much has been happening with me (Did I say that last time?) School and school and school and watching season 7 of 24. Sadly, I am done now. But the premiere of season 8 is on January 17. For those who didn't know. 

I am taking a few weeks off of school now. I will be volunteering in two different places. One is Herman Pedro, a home for handicapped babies to adults. Some of these kids and babies have families but it is not easy to care for a special needs child here. So they visit them when they can. I went to Hermano Pedro last time I was here but I have not made it there this time yet. But I have contacted a guy that volunteers there a lot and he will take me in this week.  The other is a house for malnourished kids and babies. From what I understand a lot of these kids have families as well. But they need volunteers to help feed, cuddle and work on developmental milestones. Does this not sound right up my alley? :) I am excited about it. 

 Today started out as a bad day and has unexpectedly turned into a great day so far! The last few days I have been feeling a little off. Bored and questioning myself, and throw in a little bit of self-pity (but really only a little) etc. So today I didn't want to go to church. I had been reading my Bible regularly and praying every day and feeling really good about it. Especially the praying. I had a daily prayer list and then another list I rotated through. I have never done that before. And I really liked it. I got out of the habit (which happens to me a lot. I have no self-control). And as a result I feel like my relationship with God has dwindled. I know He is still there for me but I am not there for Him. And this is why I moved to Guatemala. So I see a direct correlation between the two (at least I have some smarts! :)

And today God just threw little things at me to make me happy. For starters I really liked my hair this morning. Not such a big thing but something that made me feel a little better anyway. While I was on the bus to go to church, before we started moving, there was a group of people standing at the curb wanting to cross. The bus driver yelled out he window "Ciudad Vieja" and they had these blank looks on their face and one of them shrugged. Ciudad Vieja means Old City and he was essentially asking if that was where they were going so he could wait for them. This is a little thing but also made me a little happy that I have been here long enough to understand more of what goes on around me and I don't have to feel so "fish out of water"ish. I am sorry my happiness was at the expense of their confusion. I went to church and when I got there there were several teams taking up the back seats so I was mortified to have to sit in the 3rd row from the front!!! I have been getting to church early (by about 10 min) and I don't usually have anyone to visit with so it is awkward. So I was purposely late today. God showed me! But I was happy again as every week I go I understand more of the service and the words that I am singing. And it made me feel less like a visitor and more like I belong here. Then, I really liked what the pastor had to say. Even teared up a little. He pulls no punches and I like that. On the other hand, it is challenging. There are things in my life that need to change. Much as I like to think I do an okay job of being a good person/good christian, I have a LONG way to go. As we all do. But it is on me to change and follow more in God's footsteps. This is a hard task but worthwhile. 

I was invited to the family lunch today and I really feel like I am part of this family here. When Aura introduces me she calls me her older daughter. And I call her my mother. They (but especially Aura) go out of their way to help me out. I have even been invited for Christmas! It helps me feel safe to have a family like them here in Antigua with me. I will be with them until the en of August. They are a good family to live with as we talk all the time. 

And tonight I am going to someone's house for dinner. There is a student at the school who only comes for one hour every day so I don't have a chance to talk to her. We went on a field trip a while ago and I talked with her then. We exchanged numbers but have never hung out. So tonight I am going to her and her husbands place. Yay for friends with cars!!!!

So it turned out to be a good day. And I am praying that my week will go well too. Some new changes are possibly in the works and I won't go into detail but I would appreciate prayer. 

Oh. And I have been itch free for almost 8 weeks now!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that the best news you have heard all day? :) Sadly, the new guy is not. He is allergic to his bites and has quite a few on his legs and arms and back. I, unthinkingly, tried to be helpful and said "Oh I had them really bad for the first 6 weeks I was here". I was trying to tell him that it is not all that unusual to have them but he replied "That is my whole trip!" Oops. 

I tried to think of something funny to write and I couldn't. I have let you all down. If my number of followers decreases I will know why. By the way, if you follow my blog will you "become a follower". Kind of swells my head a little when I know that a lot of people like reading it. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post Naomi. I meant to say that the other day when I read it, but didn't have time to write then. I must admit I am scared about the bug bites. I am not really all that keen on itching :( Thinking and praying for you!!
