Friday, September 3, 2010

Cheesy Cheetos.

This morning as I was getting ready to go to the Home I noticed some bright orange stuff on my jeans. And I thought of Noe. On Monday I was eating a bag of Cheetos and sharing with him. Inevitably that orange "cheese flavoring" was all over his hand. He didn't notice it for a while and hence it was on his face, the chair and my jeans. I noticed it but it didn't bother me. In Canada it would have. I am clean. I keep my clothes clean, my bed clean, and my room.... well, sometimes clean. Here in Guatemala my room is always clean. Just for the record. But I used to have a roommate and she would beg to differ that my room was always clean in Canada.

Anyway, I am still wearing the jeans. And I have all week. I don't like to use a lot of water here (to wash). And I just don't care. Plain and simple. I am glad I have changed. And now, when I look down and see "cheese flavoring" on my pants I can smile and think of my little guy.

1 comment:

  1. 1)This was an excellent post
    2) I miss you
    3) This blog should really be titled something to do with food. =)
