Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I thought I would do another driving post. Mostly about how different it is to drive here. The ironic part of this post is that my truck isn't working. :( I take it to the mechanic tomorrow as long as I can get a jump!

The other day I was driving by a tire store. They were advertising "semi-new" tires. I have never heard that expression before. I loved it! Although if I could have gotten a picture of the tires stacked up outside the shop you would know that they are more "semi" than "new". ;)

I was driving down the highway the other day and as I came around the corner (I live in the mountains and it is basically all corners) I saw a semi truck doing a U-turn on the highway. There were 2 lanes on each side of the road so he had lots of room to turn, right? We all patiently waited while he maneuvered his truck and I prayed it would make the turn because if it didn't I would be stuck there for some time. He had a pretty tight angle going between the cab and the trailer, and he drove up on the meridian at one point, but he made it!

If you are driving down the road and see 2 branches placed in the lane a few feet apart you will know that you need to slow down for something up ahead. We would usually put down cones for that. :)

Anyone can direct traffic. Again, the other day I was on the highway and as I came around the corner I saw that both lanes were blocked off and two guys were waving at us to slow down/stop. A truck was hauling a school bus and was trying to back it into a driveway. So you turn on the flashers and patiently wait for the truck to get out of the way. Then the guys will wave you on by once it is clear.

You always keep your windows rolled up. For one thing, there is so much pollution and garbage around that the smells are enough to be thankful you are riding inside and have air conditioning. But secondly, in Guatemala City (the Capital) there are many thieves. If your window is rolled down it is an invitation to snatch the necklace off your neck. Or the watch off your wrist. Or maybe he will demand the cell phone sitting in the console. Or ask for your wallet. He may want the earrings off your ears. A friend of mine was walking down the street once and someone came from behind and ripped the earrings right out of her ears.

Granted, if the windows are rolled up, thefts can still take place, but that would usually involve a gun. One of the many reasons I always ask for prayers for safety.

If you are driving down the road with a slow person in front of you and they put on their left turn signal, it is a sign for you to let you know it is clear up ahead and you can pass on the left. Or they will just wave you on by as well. :) Such a polite culture.

Headlights are always optional. Even at night. I can't tell you how many vehicles I have passed in the dark that have had not a single front or rear light. Which then makes me think I shouldn't be passing as what if the oncoming car also has no headlight? Once I passed a motorcycle that had no headlight or taillight but he had tied a flashlight to the front so he could at least see a little bit. True story. Brake lights aren't always functional as well. That threw me off at first. I didn't realize how much my sub-conscious was looking more for brake lights than actual car stopping in front of me. I am good now.

Be agressive. Be, be agressive. (said in a cheerleader voice and pom poms waving in the air)

Speed bumps are a pain. So often they will disappear in the night. We had speed bumps put on my street and within a couple of weeks a lot of the bumps had been chipped away. They usually only chip enough away so we can drive around whatever is left.

Always expect the worse. Assume that guy is going to cut you off. Assume that you will come around the corner to a blocked highway. Assume there are potholes everywhere. Assume people will be walking in the street and won't move. It sure makes things a lot easier.

I'm sure there is more that I am missing. But having said all of that, I have definitely become accustomed to it. It doesn't bother me or make me frustrated like it did before. That is not to say that I don't occasionally yell at someone who can't hear me, ;) but for the most part, this is just the way it is.

So come on down! I would love to take you for a drive.

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