I hadn't seen the kids at Rehoboth in quite some time, and I have really missed them. I was able to go visit on Friday afternoon and while I was there, I asked one of the teens where he had been working. He told me that he worked at a place where they re-fill 5 gallon water jugs with pure water. I asked him to tell me about it. He got serious and explained the whole process. He told me there is is big open area so you can watch your jug be washed, then filled with pure water. He told me how they seal it and it doesn't matter where your jug comes from, they will fill it for only 7Q. That is half what I normally pay. And the water I pay for had a snail in it once, so I might as well get the cheap stuff. It can't be any worse! :)
Anyway, he went on to explain a few other details in a concentrated manner I rarely see from him. He is usually joking around. It was such a joy for me to see him take pride in what he is doing. To have the desire to explain the little details to me. To have him tell me what days he is working so I can go down and have him fill my water jugs. We were soon interrupted, but I had enjoyed the time spent with him.
A couple of days later I went to a missionary friend's house for lunch. We were talking about God's role as our Father. Having no children of my own, I have always related to God in my limited experience as His child and knowing He loves me, but not understanding the depth of it. I know I never truly will understand the depth, but that day I took one step closer.
My friend was explaining her routine in the morning. She talked about her prayer time with God and how she shared with Him the things she was thinking, the things she wanted to accomplish that day, etc. She believes fully that God is interested in everything about us. All of a sudden I thought of that teen telling me about his job, one that could be seen as mundane and unimportant, and the joy I took from him telling me. He is not my own child, but for 2 years I nurtured him, loved him, and watched him grow and mature. So if I can take such joy as an "auntie", how much more does God take joy in hearing from me? Not just my prayers requests, praises and my cries for help, but the "mundane things", the way I am feeling, the things I plan to accomplish every day.
He is my King, my Lord, and my protector. For those roles I have reverence and respect and love for Him. But He also delights in being my Father, and though He already knows everything, I understand a little more of how He loves me and wants to be involved in everything in my life. And what joy He takes in hearing from me every time I come to Him.
P.S. I don't know these people. I found their picture on the internet. I just love the way he is looking at her and thought it appropriate. :)
thanks for sharing this!! it's a really great thought!