Saturday, June 6, 2009

I can clearly see your underwear.

This is a quote from the guy who lives in the room next to mine. I had done laundry and hung it on the line. But I wanted to be discreet so I hung my underwear on the racks in my room. So Lori came to chat and then Yutaka came and was sitting in the doorway. All of a sudden in the middle of our conversation he pulls out the line "I can clearly see you underwear". It was pretty funny. Guess I will just hang it on the line next time. It dries faster that way anyway (I just lied. I don't think I can put my underwear out with 6 other guys living in this house).

So I have been terrible about keeping this up. I have heard from a couple of people. :) Sorry. And in less than an hour I am going to help out the surgical team so I don't have much time to write now. And I don't expect to have internet access out there. I will probably be too busy anyway. I am looking forward to it but still a little nervous. I warned the charge nurse that I will be asking a lot of questions. I haven't looked after an adult in the hospital in about 8 years!!! 

It will be nice to have a week off school. But last week went better. I am not feeling so frustrated. And I have been talking a little more with Aura (the mother of the family). I hope to be able to use some of my spanish with the patients this week. I think it will be a good gauge of where I am at. 

I will tell you quickly about my spider drama last night. A couple of days ago my teacher told me how she had to kill a young tarantula in her house (there aren't usually any here). Then yesterday at dinner we were talking about spiders and bugs and scary movies (it was a terrible conversation!). So I was a little jumpy last night. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when Yutaka came up and asked if I had seen the spider in there. Would I be in there if I had?? So he pointed up and I yelled and almost knocked him over trying to get through the door. Unfortunately I yelled a bad word and even more unfortunate was that Aura knew what it was (but she thought it was funny). So I scared him back into his hole. Yutaka and Juan Carlos (the dad in the family) sprayed a bunch of Raid in the hole but I think he got far in there and I don't think he is dead. So I am keeping an eye out for him. 

When I got into my room I reached across my bed to the little shelf where I keep my jammies. There was a big one on the wall!!!! (although I was informed at breakfast it wasn't that big) So I yelled for Yutaka and he came in to help me (I didn't know he is a little afraid of spiders as well). Being the good guy he is he hit it with my shoe. But it didn't die, just fell. So we were puling out DVD's to look for him and Yutaka was on the bed (to grab the DVD's) and I saw the spider on the bed. So I told him and he moved really fast!!!!!! All my yelling brought Aura and Juan Carlos (and this is all at 10 at night) and the bottle of Raid. So Yutaka used the raid (I could hardly breathe) and he still wasn't dying. So Juan Carlos whacked him with my shoe and took him out. Then he very kindly searched my bed (we changed the sheets and blanket) and surrounding areas for more. I have to tell you I was pretty scared to turn out the light. But my sister said it was better with the light off because then I wouldn't see them. HA! What does she know. She isn't here worrying that spiders will crawl in her mouth in the middle of the night! (Sorry Elaine. Probably should have stopped you a long time ago).

So that was my drama. 

I better go. Have a good week all!!!

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