Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Friends

I wonder if everyone thinks that they have the greatest friends ever? Because I do. I guess others do, they wouldn't surround themselves with people they didn't think were great. But I really do have great friends. I have one that eats candies and junk with me until we both feel sick. And on a fairly regular basis. That is a a good friend.  I have a friend who makes me things that make me feel special (and cry-but a good cry even if it is ugly). I have a friend who will just come over and sit on my bed while I pack. I have friends who buy me lunch when I don't have much money. I have a friend who makes me chocolate chip cookies and doubles the chocolate chips just for me. I have a friend who knows I hate any food that is healthy and never forces me to eat it. Wait, all my friends know I hate healthy foods! I have a friend who is 3 years old who thinks I am fantastic and calls me Meomi. She says I am part of her family. And kids are smart. They have a sixth sense about people. (And I pretty much adore her back). I have friends who just like to spend time with me. That is huge! When another person enjoys being in your company. I must have SOMETHING going for me. Not that this post was to brag about me. :) And now I am leaving all of that.

I have had a knot in my stomach for almost a week now. I know that God is calling me to work in Guatemala and it is something I have wanted to do for years! Literally. Now is the time and I think it is the right time. When I came to this final decision 5 1/2 months ago I knew I would be leaving but that was okay- I was going to live my dream!! But the reality has been sinking in. I am leaving some fantastic people behind that I love a lot. I had been thinking of how we all sacrifice something when we do God's work. In Guatemala there are a lot of things that I won't have that I have here: good showers, lots of candy, lots of money, regular showing of Jack Bauer on t.v., my car (that I love), access to good concerts, places to travel (and money to do it with), and the list could go on. At this point I am okay with living without all of these things (even though I am a bit of a princess). But the hardest thing that I will have to sacrifice is my friends and family. And I know that I will make new friends. But the people I am leaving behind are really good people. I can't stay as close to them as I am now, and not just physically, but knowing when they are going to the doctor, or when they call me from a terrible line up in Wal Mart just to call and tell me that they are in a terrible line up, or any number of innocuous things that don't seem important but signify a closeness I love. (was that a huge run on sentence or what?!)

I am done most of the goodbyes but the hardest ones are yet to come. I can't believe how many tears have come out of me in the last couple of days. I have had to increase my water intake to avoid dehydration! But I know this is a good thing. I just wish I didn't have to say goodbye. 

So there it is. I am well on my way to becoming an over blogger. But as all my friends know, I can't just say "I have good friends and I will miss them all so much" (which is essentially what I have said) because I have to make every story good and detail filled. So if you have made it to the end of this blog and don't know me that well, all I have to say is you are well on your way to becoming one!

Good night.

Friday, March 27, 2009

First Post Ever

Well, I leave in 6 sleeps and instead of being productive I am doing this. It had to be done at some point and I pack better under pressure anyway. :) 

I used to write e-mails when I was away on other trips but I think this will be easier. Last time I was in Guatemala I had a terrible time trying to load pictures. I hope this works better. 

I don't have much to write right now. I leave Kamloops on Wednesday to drive to Vancouver. Two of my closest friends will stay the night in a hotel and my flight leaves at 0700 the next day. They HAVE to be good friends to put up with me at 0500. That is never a fun experience. 

I arrive in Guatemala City that night and my friend's dad is picking me up along with a team. He used to be the principal at the high school I graduated from so I feel the need to call him Mr. Peters instead of Les. Makes me feel 13 again! The next day I will head to Tactic to visit Ruth, a friend of mine since grade 6. 

My loosely laid plans are to head to Antigua for 3 months of Spanish school. Then I would like to do something until Christmas that would solidify my language skills. Like work in an orphange. In January I will be training with a nurse who runs a medical clinic. I have specialized in the neonatal intensive care for 4 1/2 years and did pediatrics for the 2 years before that. I am pretty much clueless when it comes to adults. 

So that is my first post. Not so exciting but it should get better! I have been following other blogs and they have set a pretty high standard. 
