Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Friends

I wonder if everyone thinks that they have the greatest friends ever? Because I do. I guess others do, they wouldn't surround themselves with people they didn't think were great. But I really do have great friends. I have one that eats candies and junk with me until we both feel sick. And on a fairly regular basis. That is a a good friend.  I have a friend who makes me things that make me feel special (and cry-but a good cry even if it is ugly). I have a friend who will just come over and sit on my bed while I pack. I have friends who buy me lunch when I don't have much money. I have a friend who makes me chocolate chip cookies and doubles the chocolate chips just for me. I have a friend who knows I hate any food that is healthy and never forces me to eat it. Wait, all my friends know I hate healthy foods! I have a friend who is 3 years old who thinks I am fantastic and calls me Meomi. She says I am part of her family. And kids are smart. They have a sixth sense about people. (And I pretty much adore her back). I have friends who just like to spend time with me. That is huge! When another person enjoys being in your company. I must have SOMETHING going for me. Not that this post was to brag about me. :) And now I am leaving all of that.

I have had a knot in my stomach for almost a week now. I know that God is calling me to work in Guatemala and it is something I have wanted to do for years! Literally. Now is the time and I think it is the right time. When I came to this final decision 5 1/2 months ago I knew I would be leaving but that was okay- I was going to live my dream!! But the reality has been sinking in. I am leaving some fantastic people behind that I love a lot. I had been thinking of how we all sacrifice something when we do God's work. In Guatemala there are a lot of things that I won't have that I have here: good showers, lots of candy, lots of money, regular showing of Jack Bauer on t.v., my car (that I love), access to good concerts, places to travel (and money to do it with), and the list could go on. At this point I am okay with living without all of these things (even though I am a bit of a princess). But the hardest thing that I will have to sacrifice is my friends and family. And I know that I will make new friends. But the people I am leaving behind are really good people. I can't stay as close to them as I am now, and not just physically, but knowing when they are going to the doctor, or when they call me from a terrible line up in Wal Mart just to call and tell me that they are in a terrible line up, or any number of innocuous things that don't seem important but signify a closeness I love. (was that a huge run on sentence or what?!)

I am done most of the goodbyes but the hardest ones are yet to come. I can't believe how many tears have come out of me in the last couple of days. I have had to increase my water intake to avoid dehydration! But I know this is a good thing. I just wish I didn't have to say goodbye. 

So there it is. I am well on my way to becoming an over blogger. But as all my friends know, I can't just say "I have good friends and I will miss them all so much" (which is essentially what I have said) because I have to make every story good and detail filled. So if you have made it to the end of this blog and don't know me that well, all I have to say is you are well on your way to becoming one!

Good night.


  1. YAY!!! I can't wait to keep up with you through blogspot!! I will be praying for you this week and continue as you get settled!

  2. Good-byes are not easy. You will be in my prayers this week especially, but also as you get settled in in Guatemala.

  3. you forgot about the friend who chases you around the kitchen with a hotdog between his toes :) it'll be hard to find someone in Guatemala to do that. lucky for you.
