Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just a cute story.

Today my friend Amy called. She had her twin girls there as well as her niece, 4 year old Abby. I adore all 3 of them. Being away from them and not watching them grow and change is the hardest part of being here.

So I asked Amy what they were doing tonight. She said she was meeting Elaine (her sister and my friend) at the mall to go shopping. A minute later Abby said she wanted to talk to me. Amy told me that. Then I heard Abby say "Never mind. I forgot she is in Guatemala." Amy asked what she was going to tell me. She wanted to tell me to meet them at the mall! I want to cry again right now just thinking about it! Normally I would have been all over that! Scratch that! I would have already been at Amy's house playing with them. So it is sad for me. But I am happy that she still remembers and loves me so much. She is so smart and sounds so grown up on the phone. 

The twins too. Jocelyn wanted to call me the other day to tell me she was in her "big girl panties". When they called she whipped down her pants and put the phone by her bum to "show" me. So they got on Skype and she was able to show me her panties. Then, she took those off too so I could pinch her bum! Good thing she hasn't forgotten that in the last 6 months! I love bum pinching! In a non-freaky way. Then Amy called me and we were talking on the phone so she left the room with the skype video on, and mine was on as well, and Jocelyn kept coming into the computer room to see me and talk to me. Love it! Sophia doesn't miss me as much but that doesn't matter. I am still going to hug her and squeeze her until she can't breathe when I get home! 

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