Monday, October 26, 2009

My church.

This is just a post about... can you guess? My church!!! 

A friend took me there the first time and to be honest, I wasn't immediately sold. Maybe I thought I had to make my own decision and not just go because someone else like it. I did try a few others and I painfully admit that there were a few Sundays where I didn't go and it didn't bother me that much. I missed my church in Kamloops. Obviously, I like that church. I have been attending that church since 2000 (when I have been living in Kamloops). I know the people, I know the routine, I know the language! 

But now I don't like to miss a Sunday. It takes place in a large room built onto a house. Whose house that is I have no idea. I always forget to ask. But the doors are always open and the fans are always going (thank goodness! It gets very hot and stuffy in there!). So we have had a few different times where a dog has coming trotting down the aisle to see what is going on. 

There are definitely more Guatemalans than North Americans that attend. My pastors are from the U.S. (Victor and Chici) and have been here for about 20 years I think. Sometimes though, there are visiting teams and the seats are taken up. Twice (!) I have had to sit in the second row from the front. Not my favorite!

We worship in Spanish only. It has been interesting for me to watch my language progression based on my understanding of what I am singing. I am able to "worship" again and not just sing the words. I really love my worship leader at home and the guy here is very passionate but sometimes comes in a little late on the beat. :) And everyone sings loud and doesn't worry about what they sound like. I know I am not a good singer so that has kept me lip syncing for most of my life. Unless I am alone in my car. I have started to sing a little louder now. God is looking inside, not outside. Something I am STILL learning.

We have a Bible reading in Spanish. We all stand up to read at that point. It reminds me of sword drills when I was a kid! And one day when I was in the second row from the front I found it really quick and didn't have to be too embarrassed by having everyone see me stand up last. Not that I think anyone really pays attention or cares. 

Then we have announcements in Spanish and English and prayer for the offering. The praying is my favorite part. The person at the front leads in prayer but as soon as she starts to pray out loud, so does everyone else! So no one is listening to what she is saying, everyone is focused on their own individual prayers. Sometimes I get the feeling that people pray out loud and are very aware of others listening so they modify it for their audience. Not here. 

The sermon is given in English and translated into Spanish by the most amazing woman! Victor sometimes starts talking and gets onto a point and doesn't stop for a while. I sometimes try to remember what he has said and I never remember it all. She is amazing. Very occasionally she will react to what he is saying, but not often. Yesterday I laughed as he was talking about a church here in Guatemala that solicits large amounts of money on TV. He said that people will go up and give their family dog. At this point she turns to him and says "Ay no!" It was cute. :) 

Victor is very blunt, funny and approachable. I appreciate his sermons although sometimes I think he is hitting the mark a little too often! In a good way though. I have a lot to learn. And Chici is great. I have met with her a few times and she makes me feel so comfortable. She is concerned for me and I feel like she is looking out for me.

So that is a little glimpse into my church. Someday I will write about my work at the clinic, the school (that is done now) and what is coming up for the future. But it is suppertime soon and I have leftovers from lunch yesterday (good thing too-I saw the beans cooking earlier!)


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